New England
Jewish History Collaborative
The New England Jewish History Collaborative is a consortium of Jewish history and genealogy organizations from all six New England states, whose goal is to raise awareness of the history of Jewish New England and the resources available to study it. The Collaborative formed in 2019 out of the recognition that the Jewish experience in New England, and how it contributes to the larger American Jewish story, has heretofore been little studied and understood.
The Collaborative’s purpose is threefold:
to identify the unique history and characteristics of the New England Jewish experience;
to attract scholars and the public to discover and use the rich resources available about New England Jewish history; and
to discuss collaborative initiatives within the New England Jewish history community.
In its first collective effort, the New England Jewish History Collaborative created both a Resource Guide and this website to help people learn more about the history of Jewish New England and the resources available to study it. Going forward, the Collaborative plans to work together to stimulate partnerships and projects about Jewish history, promote new research and scholarship, and co-sponsor events and conferences.
The founding member organizations of the New England Jewish History Collaborative are:
Jewish Cemetery Association of North America (headquartered in Maine)
Jewish Federation of New Hampshire
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford
Jewish Historical Society of Western Massachusetts
Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association
Vermont Jewry/Lost Mural Project
The Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at New England Historic Genealogical Society
The Collaborative will continue to add and update information in its Resource Guide on an ongoing basis and welcomes submissions, suggestions, and comments. Contact NEJEconference@nehgs.org.